Hey all...
I've decided to move my "Favorite Find" posts to Friday, you know, "Favorite Finds Fridays". I will probably stop labeling them with the week number...I think you the idea now. And I started it with one goal in mind...to blog at least once a week. But that goal is gone and I'm hoping to blog a lot more. So if you're still interested in my crafty posts, then at least check back on Friday. Please read through the entire post...I didn't have much time to post a lot about crafty stuff I found since I've been blog-stalking so many other blogs and ready great posts that aren't really craft specific. The first two items are so you're not completely disappointed, but trust me, read on, it will be worth your time.
Beautiful Blue House

Craft Cork Board
This darling cork board was on Greenbean's Crafterole blog. However, you know me...I liked the darling paper flower thumb tacks the most. This blog post is great, she shows you step by step how she made both.
Chalk Board Paint + Creative Idea = TuTu Cute Idea!
Found another great idea over at Greenbeans Crafts blog. She created this with a canvas and chalkboard paint. Love it!!
Sony Bloggie Camera

CJANE Run Blog
I have to be honest, I'd never heard of the lovely (and talented) Courtney Kendrick (aka CJRun) until the last day of the Casual Bloggers Conference. We debated on whether or not to stay for the closing speakers since they were scheduled from 6:00-8:00 the last night of the conference, but we decided that we'd rather stay then go home and do laundry. Well much to my surprise, Courtney ended up being amazing (even her singing). I learned through her speaking that she was sister to Nie Nie and spoke about how "blogging changed her life". I loved her wit, her spirit and especially her writing. She read a bunch of her favorite posts from her blog and I was captivated. One minute this girl had us laughing our butts off and the next we were crying our eyes out. She touched my soul and I will forever be a huge fan of hers. In fact, I leaned over to Nicki and said, "We have to get our pictures taken with her." I thought if any one picture would sum up what a great bloggers conference and experience this was, it would be that one picture.
I really wanted to share some of the posts she read during her presentation, I couldn't find them all but here are the ones that I could find. Please if you don't have time, at least read the very last one....it's amazing and worthy of your time!!

I really wanted to share some of the posts she read during her presentation, I couldn't find them all but here are the ones that I could find. Please if you don't have time, at least read the very last one....it's amazing and worthy of your time!!
Manifesto Female: What I Have Learned (Courtney closed with reading this post...loved it!)
Casual Bloggers Conference Blogs
I have a huge list of blogs that I'm not following and enjoying a ton since the CBC10 so I decided I wanted to share the blogs of at least the teachers/speakers I listened to or met at the conference. I hope you find some that interest you too.
Thanks for reading...as always I'd love to know you stopped by, so please leave me a quick comment!!

So awesome and inspiring... at least what I was able to read so far!! Just one question??? Is that house closer or farther from me?? I love that you are inspired so much by what you learned and I want to go next year so I can get inspired to!! As far as bed time goes.... if you would just get your room done you can go up there and let the kids get themselves to bed whenever they want. Then you both win!! ;)
Hey Lori ... Tracy G here ... thanks so much for all of that info ... I'm off to read all of those fascinating blogs ...
BTW, that BLUE HOUSE is gorgeous ... and regarding your kids bedtime ... I reckon 10.30pm is a good time for the kiddies to be in bed to get a good rest and be productive the next day by getting an early start ... and then you've got time for yourself as well ...
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