February 4 and 5, 2011 - I will be up at Weber State absorbing all the positive energy I can from Time Out for Women. You may have heard of it, sponsored by Deseret Book and touring around the country. I've talked to several of my friends that have attended and they have nothing but great things to say about their experience.
I was so thrilled to find out from many of my friend that they like to get a group of 4 together to get the group rate and then they RUN away from home...did I mention run. Nice thing is the event is close enough to home, but not nearly as much fun as spending the night in a hotel room with three of my most fun and crazy friends!!
The event is affliated or sponsored by the LDS Church, although many of the speakers are members. Some are not. The focus of the conference is to help WOMEN (that's me) recharge and focus on strengthening my spirit and energy so I can continue to be the best mom, wife and friend I can. So much of my time is spent doing things for others...for my husband, my children, my job, my church calling...and so little time is spent on just ME. So I'm excited to block out a day and half to go and focus on ME at Time Out for Women.
Right now you can join me too for the group rate of only $49 per person. What a fun gift for your moms or sisters that are so hard to shop for and what a fun time you'd all have if you just bought your own tickets. That's what I'm giving myself for Christmas (among many other things I've picked up while shopping...shhhh).
If you get a chance check out their website, blog or sign-up for regular email information. Oh and if you don't live near Ogden, they tour all over the states, so check out their 2011 calendar. Hope to see you there!

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